Week Two

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Food is really important, it keeps us alive, is yummy to eat and helps to keep us fit and healthy.  When we choose what to eat it is because we like the taste of the food, the look of the food and because we want it to provide the nourishment we need to remain fit and healthy.We have a selection of starters, main courses, side dishes, desserts and drinks for you to choose from to have as your meals over the next few weeks.  Each dish has a traffic light system on it that tells you whether the dish is Green – good for you, Amber ok for you, or Red not good for you to eat too much of.Spend some time looking at the options for the various courses and select a menu for each of the next three weeks taking into account a balanced meal.On average an adult male may need to have around 2500 many calories a day and a woman to have around 2000 calories a day.  This will help you in decided what you choose to make up the menu.